Irländische Rezepte, Pin On Irish Recipes


Irish HA-IPA - HANNES BIER Are you ready to taste a truly Irish beer that will make you ha-py? Look no further! Introducing the Irish HA-IPA by HANNES BIER. This brew is a delightful blend of traditional Irish flavors and hop-filled goodness that will leave you wanting more. So, grab your pint glass and get ready for a taste of Ireland like never before!


  • 2 cups of Irish barley malt
  • 1 cup of Irish oats
  • 1 pound of Irish hops
  • 1 packet of Irish ale yeast
  • 1 pinch of luck of the Irish


  1. In a large brewing pot, combine the Irish barley malt and Irish oats.
  2. Add water and bring it to a boil.
  3. Once boiling, add the Irish hops and let it simmer for 60 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat and let it cool to room temperature.
  5. Once cooled, add the Irish ale yeast and stir gently.
  6. Cover the pot and let it ferment for 2 weeks.
  7. After fermentation, transfer the beer to bottles or kegs.
  8. Let it carbonate for another 2 weeks.
  9. Enjoy your Irish HA-IPA cold and with good company!

How to Prepare:

To prepare the Irish HA-IPA by HANNES BIER, simply follow the recipe instructions above. This beer is best served chilled, so make sure to keep it in the fridge until you are ready to indulge. Pour it into a pint glass, take a moment to appreciate its rich golden color and hoppy aroma. Then, take a sip and let the flavors take you on a journey to the Emerald Isle.

Preparation Time:

The preparation time for this Irish HA-IPA is approximately 3 hours, including brewing and fermentation. However, it is important to note that the fermentation process takes 2 weeks, so you will need to plan ahead if you want to enjoy this beer on a specific occasion. Patience is key when it comes to brewing, but the end result is definitely worth it!


This recipe yields approximately 6 servings of Irish HA-IPA. Of course, depending on your thirst and the company you are in, you can adjust the servings accordingly. Sharing is caring, but sometimes you just want to have a pint all to yourself. It’s up to you!

Nutrition Facts:

While we believe in enjoying good food and drink without worrying about the numbers, here are the approximate nutrition facts for the Irish HA-IPA:

  • Calories: 150
  • Carbohydrates: 12g
  • Protein: 2g
  • Fat: 0g
  • Fiber: 1g


  • Use high-quality Irish ingredients for an authentic taste.
  • Experiment with different types of Irish hops to find your preferred flavor profile.
  • Share the Irish HA-IPA with friends and family during festive occasions.
  • Store the beer in a cool, dark place to maintain its freshness.
  • Serve the Irish HA-IPA in proper beer glasses to enhance its aroma and flavor.


Q: Can I use non-Irish ingredients to make this beer?

A: While you can certainly try, using authentic Irish ingredients will give you a more genuine and flavorful Irish HA-IPA. We recommend sticking to the recipe for the best results.

Q: Can I adjust the amount of hops in the recipe?

A: Absolutely! Feel free to experiment with different hop quantities to find your perfect balance of bitterness and aroma.

Q: Can I substitute Irish ale yeast with another type of yeast?

A: While you can technically use another type of yeast, Irish ale yeast contributes to the unique flavors and characteristics of the Irish HA-IPA. We recommend using the specified yeast for an authentic taste.

Pin on Irish Recipes

Pin on Irish Recipes Do you want to impress your friends and family with a mouthwatering Irish dish? This recipe will take you on a culinary journey to the Emerald Isle. Get ready to indulge in traditional Irish flavors and create a memorable dining experience. Here’s how to make it:


  • 1 pound of Irish bacon
  • 4 cups of Irish potatoes, diced
  • 1 cup of Irish butter
  • 1 clove of Irish garlic, minced
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. In a large skillet, cook the Irish bacon until crispy.
  2. Remove the bacon from the skillet and set it aside.
  3. In the same skillet, melt the Irish butter over medium heat.
  4. Add the diced Irish potatoes and minced Irish garlic to the skillet.
  5. Cook until the potatoes are tender and golden brown.
  6. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  7. Crumble the cooked Irish bacon and sprinkle it over the potatoes.
  8. Serve the dish hot and enjoy the amazing flavors of Ireland!

How to Prepare:

To prepare this traditional Irish dish, follow the recipe instructions above. The key to a delicious result is to use high-quality Irish ingredients and cook them with love and care. The combination of salty bacon, buttery potatoes, and aromatic garlic will transport you straight to the cozy Irish countryside.

Preparation Time:

The preparation time for this Irish dish is approximately 30 minutes. It’s a quick and easy recipe that you can whip up for a satisfying lunch or dinner. Whether you’re craving comfort food or want to explore Irish cuisine, this recipe won’t disappoint.


This recipe serves approximately 4 people. However, feel free to adjust the quantities to fit your needs. If you’re hosting a larger gathering or have a bigger appetite, simply increase the amount of ingredients accordingly.

Nutrition Facts:

While we believe in savoring the flavors of traditional Irish cuisine without worrying about calories, here are the approximate nutrition facts for this dish:

  • Calories: 300
  • Carbohydrates: 20g
  • Protein: 15g
  • Fat: 20g
  • Fiber: 2g


  • For a twist on the classic recipe, add a sprinkle of Irish cheddar cheese to the dish.
  • Experiment with different types of Irish potatoes to discover your favorite variety.
  • Enjoy this Irish dish as a main course or as a side dish with your favorite protein.
  • Serve it with a pint of Irish beer for the ultimate Irish dining experience.


Q: Can I use regular bacon instead of Irish bacon?

A: While regular bacon can work, Irish bacon has a distinct flavor and texture that enhances the dish. We recommend using Irish bacon for the most authentic taste.

Q: Can I substitute other types of potatoes for Irish potatoes?

A: Irish potatoes, such as Russet or Yukon Gold, are ideal for this dish. They offer the perfect balance of creaminess and texture. However, you can experiment with other potatoes if needed.

Q: Can I make this dish vegetarian-friendly?

A: Absolutely! Simply omit the bacon and use vegetable oil or margarine instead of Irish butter. The potatoes and garlic will still create a delicious Irish-inspired dish.

And the journey through Irish flavors continues…